Page name: Warriors of the Feather [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-06-11 23:33:22
Last author: Blakkduv
Owner: Blakkduv
# of watchers: 7
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The Deadwood Company

A company of soldiers based souly on a dense lumber that is nearly industructable. Their leader started the company to harvest the wood in order to achieve city growth, but he realized that far bigger things can be done. He soon noticed that the wood was a good bargening tool and was a good weapon. So now he has recruted a massive army to take over the world. But first he has to stop the Warriors of the Feather to do that. Their resons for taking over the world is unknown.

Warriors Of The Feather

Warriors of the Feather is a ninja clan founded by three brothers that had harnest the power of the soul feather(a magic feather able to augment the beholder with a power unique to the feather, But on the down side if their soul feather is destroyed, so are they). But they soon noticed that the bird that had provided the feather was begining to die out do to the constant harvest of Deadwood wich was their nesting area. And now with the knowlege that the dead wood company wants to take over the world, they feel it is their duty to stop the Dead wood Company

The freelancers

The freelancers are the mercenaries that side on whom ever they feel they want to. Although alot of the decition making is based on money and rewards, Some mercs are keen to follow their consience.

The city of Fante

The city of Fante is the biggest city in the world, holding over 150,000,000 people along with the many, many tourists that come to the city to get a peice of the Fante dream as the call it. It is the reason that Deadwood trees are being cut down. It is also a common battle grounds for The Deadwood company, And the Warriors of the Feather. The city of Fante police department (F.P.D.) Is trying there best to stop the constant fights between them.

Which side are you on?

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2007-05-21 [Blakkduv]: this is it so far

2007-05-21 [Aki Neko]: wow...

2007-05-21 [Blakkduv]: haha

2007-05-21 [Aki Neko]: ^ ^

2007-05-21 [Blakkduv]: Alright whats next

2007-05-21 [Blakkduv]: Oh I made the first comic about W.O.T.F.!

2007-05-21 [Aki Neko]: yay.

2007-05-22 [Blakkduv]: Contact me here if you want to join!

2007-05-22 [Aki Neko]: i thought i already did.

2007-05-22 [Artsy]: well this is just nifty

2007-05-22 [Blakkduv]: haha

2007-05-22 [Aki Neko]: ^ ^

2007-05-23 [the crazed artist]: i would totally be up for this!...if i can manage to think of a character, i'll let you know!

2007-05-23 [Aki Neko]: yay...

2007-05-23 [Blakkduv]: Finished a comic!!!

its still sketchy because i did it in.... paint -_-

2007-05-23 [Blakkduv]: thx cago by the way

2007-05-24 [Blakkduv]: This has to be a record for most connection wiki's hehe

2007-05-24 [Artsy]: what do you mean?

2007-05-24 [Blakkduv]: All the "of to"'s

2007-05-24 [Artsy]: pfft, you obviously have little wiki experience... i know at least two wikis that are like... double that many

2007-05-24 [Blakkduv]: Pshhhhh

what evs


2007-05-24 [Aki Neko]: lol

2007-05-30 [little person]: Sup peoples.

2007-05-30 [Aki Neko]: yo.

2007-05-31 [Blakkduv]: hello little person!

2007-05-31 [Blakkduv]: I'm going to create a weapons page that explains all the weapons.

2007-05-31 [Aki Neko]: cool!!

2007-05-31 [Blakkduv]: hey aki! Do you wanna creat a character?

2007-05-31 [Aki Neko]: i use the same one as always.^ ^

2007-05-31 [Blakkduv]: Do you know how to create one?

2007-05-31 [Aki Neko]: uhh...i draw it?

2007-06-06 [Tsunade]: hm...this sounds like something that i'd be interested in

2007-06-06 [Blakkduv]: Charys welcome!

2007-06-06 [Aki Neko]: hey! i made a comic for here. can i put it up?

2007-06-06 [tiragon]: hey all

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